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48 Fun Pregnancy Announcement Ideas For Your Family

Finding out that you're pregnant is one of the most exciting and life-changing events of your life. Now that you've learned the good news, how to tell your family you're pregnant has probably crossed your mind once or twice. 

You may have lots of thoughts swirling around your head during this early stage. Is it okay to tell your family you're pregnant now? What is the best way to announce it, and how long should you wait to tell your family you're pregnant? 

We'll explore 48 fun pregnancy announcement ideas to share the news with your family and friends.

couple smiling in front of laptop

Not sure how to start your baby registry? Check out our Baby Registry Guide for our best tips on making a baby registry like a pro.

When to Tell Family You're Pregnant

So, when is it okay to tell your family you're pregnant? The right time to announce your pregnancy is a very personal decision and there is no right answer. Traditionally, women would wait to announce their pregnancy until they were through the first trimester (12 weeks) due to the drop in the risk of miscarriage.

However, many women today are challenging that norm and speaking out about their experiences with miscarriages. It is an exhausting experience, both physically and emotionally, so it's normal that you might want to have the support of your family and not go through it alone.

No matter what you decide, make sure you follow your gut and what's right for you.

  • Will you want the support of your family if your pregnancy ends in a miscarriage?
  • Do you want to tell everyone at once, or just your immediate family?
  • Is knowing the gender first important to you?
  • Is there any extra planning required for your situation that would make it beneficial to announce early?

pregnant woman sitting on the floor in front of computer

48 Baby Announcement Ideas For Your Family

Whether you're pregnant for the first time or the fourth time, you're likely feeling a mix of emotions. Aside from staying healthy and getting the sleep you need when you're expecting, your mind is probably thinking about the registry, nursery, and everything else you need to prepare.

You might be starting to think of ideas on how to tell family you have a bun in the oven and not just that but how soon to tell family you're pregnant. This big announcement might be hard to keep the secret to yourself, which is no surprise given the excitement and life-changing time this is.

Read on for our complete list of pregnancy announcement ideas for family and find one that feels right for you.

pregnant woman holding hand

Once your baby announcement is planned, check out our top things to do before you’re due!

Telling Your Husband or Partner

Announcing pregnancy to your husband or partner can be much more of a personal experience than for the rest of your family. Do you have a favorite hobby you enjoy together or a special date night coming up? Whatever you decide, make it meaningful for the two of you.

Write A Note on the Pregnancy Test

If you saved the positive pregnancy test, why not use it in your announcement? Write a sweet note for your family and attach it to the pregnancy test. Depending on your audience, you can either leave it in a place they’ll find it or take a photo and send it via text message. Including the pregnancy test in the announcement is sure to get the message across immediately.

Book a Photoshoot

Hiring a photographer can be a great way to not only get updated family photos but also capture the moment you spill the beans! Tell the family you booked a photoshoot for an updated family picture; if it’s near the holidays you can do it under the guise of holiday photos.

Take a handful of normal photos before you make the announcement. Shout “I’m pregnant!” after the photographer counts 1, 2, 3, or have the photographer do it for you. Shock and delight are sure to follow, and it’ll all be captured for you to relive.

Keep It Simple and Silly

If you’re looking for fun ways to announce pregnancy, try to keep it simple.

Balloons and cards are always a good choice. Looking for something a bit more clever? Put a bread bun in the oven and ask your family member to go check on the food in the oven. Or, when offered an adult beverage, tell them you’ve decided to take a break from drinking for nine months.

See how long it takes them to make the connection after the initial confusion! It may take a moment to register, but the reaction will be priceless. 

Pregnancy Cravings or Baby Food Grocery List

Is someone in your family planning a grocery store run? Use the opportunity to surprise them with the items on the grocery list. You could either list a bunch of baby food or foods that you’re craving during your pregnancy so far. Just make sure they look at the list before going.

If your family cooks together on a regular basis, pretend to forget an ingredient and ask them to run to the store with a list. They won’t make it very far once they notice what’s on it!

Create a Playlist

If you have family members who are into music, or you often listen to music together, creating a playlist with subtle hints can be a fun way to announce your pregnancy.

You can either put together songs with themes of motherhood or babies or take a more direct approach and start playing kids' tunes. For the former option, try songs like “A Mother’s Prayer” by Celine Dion, “Sweet Baby James” by James Taylor, or “Father to Son” by Phil Collins. Depending on the type of music you normally listen to, you may have to include a few more in the playlist for them to really get the hint.

Shrink Their Clothes and Make It Personal

Gifting a onesie or other baby clothing is one of the more common cute baby announcements, but there are ways to make it more personal. Does your family member have a work uniform, sports jersey, beanie, or something else they are known for wearing? Buy a matching version in baby size and gift it to them; it’ll get the point across and be extra special for the baby to wear later on. 

Is your partner feeling overwhelmed? Our partner’s guide to pregnancy provides tips and tricks for getting them involved throughout the nine-month journey. 

Pregnancy Announcement to Parents and Grandparents

When thinking about pregnancy announcement ideas for family, parents, and grandparents can often be the most difficult. You want to make it personal and something they’ll remember for a long time, especially if this will be their first grandchild or great-grandchild. Take a look at some of our ideas for cute ways to announce pregnancy to parents and grandparents. 

woman opening a gift of baby shoes

Build A Grandparent or Great-Grandparent Kit

Gifting a grandparent kit can be especially fun if this will be their first grandchild. Think about all of the items they might need as they prepare for their new role, and package it up nicely for them to unwrap.

The kit might include some baby essentials like a burp cloth, pacifier, toy, or baby book. You could also include grandparent swag like a “#1 grandma/pa” shirt, hat, or coffee mug. If you’re feeling really fancy, you can even make custom versions with their name or the year. It's a great way to include grandma and grandpa so they can feel extra excited and special about their new role.

Play Charades

This idea is an easy one if your family enjoys a regular game night. Play a couple of rounds of charades like normal and then when the time feels right, act out that you are pregnant. Be sure to task your partner with discreetly filming the reveal, as it’ll surely be a fun moment to watch back. 

Reveal With Coffee

Hosting your family members over for breakfast? Serve their coffee or tea to them in a new mug congratulating them on becoming a grandparent or aunt or uncle. There are plenty of cute options out there to choose from, and you could even have them customized to make it extra personal.

woman writing down notes into a notebook

Find out why Boppy was named in the top 10 pediatric solutions providers!

Custom T-Shirt or Sweatshirt

Speaking of custom gifts, the opportunities are really endless. Instead of a coffee mug, customize a t-shirt or sweatshirt in their favorite color. Hats are also an easy item to customize and an easy item to give as a gift since they fit everyone! 

New Coupon Book

Giving a loved one a coupon book to redeem upon the baby's arrival is a cute way to announce your pregnancy (and something they may actually use). This option is particularly good for those who are artistically skilled. Either digitally or by hand, design a coupon book with coupons for things like cuddling the baby, giving hugs and kisses, and babysitting. 

Give Them A Blank Congratulations Card

Nothing will confuse them more than a blank congratulations card, but it’s a fun way to start the conversation. Upon opening the card, they’ll inevitably ask “For what?” to which you can respond (or not). Depending on the recipient, a few moments of silence and a smile may be enough for them to get the hint.

Announcing on Social Media

So much of our time and communication with friends and family these days already happens on social media. Many of the ideas already covered can be incorporated into a social media post, but we took some extra time to think about even more ways to announce pregnancy on social media. Facebook and Instagram are the most popular channels for revealing a pregnancy, but you could also get creative with TikTok or even LinkedIn if those are your channels of preference. 

Use A Message Board

For visual platforms like Instagram and Facebook, a message board gets the content across in a quick and easy fashion. Message boards are pretty readily available and can be purchased in all shapes and sizes. Craft your perfect announcement and share it with your followers.

Common content includes the due date and sex if you know it. Be sure to update the privacy settings to limit who can see the post if you only want family members to see it. 

baby pregnancy announcement with feet and sign

Line Up Shoes

There’s just something about baby slippers or shoes. They’re so tiny and represent such a short time frame in your child’s life. For this photo op, take a pair of both your shoes and your partner’s shoes, and set them next to a pair of baby shoes. Set the stage with the shoes all lined up in front of a nice background and maybe an additional prop like an ultrasound photo or pregnancy test to really get the message across.

Honor Your Rainbow Baby or IVF Journey

The journey to pregnancy and parenthood looks different for every family, and many couples struggle through infertility or miscarriage. If either is part of your journey and you wish to share, it can be a really special way to honor everything it took to get to this moment. Whether you write about your journey in the caption or include a rainbow in your photo to represent your rainbow baby, being open to sharing can be an incredibly healing experience.

Put Favorite Drinks or Foods Off Limits

We hinted at this idea previously, but using drinks and foods that are off-limits during pregnancy to help announce can be a fun and clever way to divulge your little secret. Post on social media that you’re taking a break from alcohol for nine months and see how long it takes your followers to react. You can do the same for coffee, sandwich meat, sushi, or other foods generally off-limits while pregnant.

Show Off Cravings

Are you craving lots of heavy carbs so far in your pregnancy? Or maybe it’s spicy food or sweets that you crave. Whatever it happens to be, post your funny meals and cravings on social media and see who picks up on the hint first. 

hands holding an ultrasound

Make the Ultrasound Your Focus

In the spirit of keeping things simple, one of the easiest pregnancy reveal ideas for social media is to post your ultrasound photo. Ultrasounds get the point across the most effectively; you don’t even have to post a caption if you don’t want to. Style your ultrasound picture with flowers or other props like baby socks or a pacifier.

pregnant woman laying on a bed

Trouble sleeping during pregnancy? We’ve compiled our top tips for getting the sleep you need when you're expecting

How to Announce Your Pregnancy to Family

How and when to tell your close family and friends you're pregnant is a personal decision and looks different for everyone. If you haven't already, be sure to tell your partner so they can provide support and get involved early on.

Many of the decisions can be made together, easing some of the stress you may feel. Don't worry, we haven't left the partners out! Take a look at our Partner's Guide to Pregnancy for sharing on this journey with you.

Many times Mom and Dad prefer to tell immediate family first, but there is no rulebook here!

baby onesie flatlay

Be equipped for the upcoming family baby shower with our guide for creating a registry like a pro

Give Them A Onesie

Probably the most popular way to tell family you're pregnant is with a onesie, and for good reason! It's a simple and effective way to communicate you're pregnant without having to say a word.

Once the baby arrives, you can never have too many onesies, and there are unlimited options to choose from.

Framed Ultrasound Photo

Another common way to share your pregnancy is to show the baby's first photos. Buy a nice frame for the ultrasound picture and give it to your family wrapped in a cute gift box.

Not only does it serve as a cute announcement, but it will also be a lovely keepsake they can display in their home forever.

pregnant woman talking into a laptop

Make A Video

If you and your partner are creative and don't mind being in front of the camera, make your family a video where you reveal the big news! You can share this with them at any time and watch their faces as they take it all in.

You can even document their reactions by discreetly taking a video of them watching.

woman writing in a calendar

Ask Them To Add It To Their Calendar

Does your family keep a monthly calendar at home for appointments and birthdays? Surprise your family by marking your due date on the calendar. The next time you are in their home, casually ask them to turn to the month you are due because there's something you need them to add.

Make sure they have a pen handy, although they likely will be too excited to use it!

Buy Fake Lottery or Scratch-Off Tickets

If your family enjoys the occasional scratch-off lottery ticket, buy a custom one online. You can decide what details you include hidden on the scratch-off.

Although they won't be winning any money, we're sure they'll feel just as lucky and excited when the message is revealed.

Bun in the Oven

Having family over for dinner? Ask someone to check on the oven after you place a bun in front and center. Or, wrap up a bread roll or bun as a gift and have them open it. They’ll be confused at first but it’ll be fun for you to watch as they connect the dots.

Make It An Extra Special Holiday

If the time of year is right, use holidays to your advantage when deciding on a pregnancy announcement idea. Christmas is of course a good time to sneak in a gift from Santa or a stocking stuffer to reveal your pregnancy, but you can also use holidays like Valentine’s Day, Easter, or Thanksgiving. Birthdays, Mother's Day, and Father's Day are good options too.

Keep It on Theme

However you decide to announce your pregnancy to your family, make it special by keeping it on theme. If your family loves a certain sports team or movie, buy themed onesies. Incorporating your family’s favorite things and quirks can make it extra meaningful when you reveal.

cute twin babies smiling

Shop our collection of 100% organic and machine-washable pregnancy pillows in a number of shapes and sizes to provide the support and comfort you need.

Pregnant With Multiples or New Siblings

The news of a pregnancy with multiples will come with another level of shock and excitement from your family and friends, so have fun with it! This is a chance to get creative. If you're struggling with ideas, check out some of our favorite ways to announce that you are pregnant with multiples or a new sibling.

cute white onesies on a pink backdrop

Onesie For Multiples

You can find almost anything on the internet, including clever onesies for twins, triplets, and more that you can use to announce your pregnancy.

Some examples include double trouble, Thing 1 and Thing 2, wombmates, and copy/paste. Your family may recognize right away that you're pregnant, but it might take them a minute to realize it's with more than one!

Show It With Your Feet

There is not much cuter than tiny baby shoes, and we love the idea of using them for pregnancy announcements.

Take a photo of your family's feet (any pets and other siblings can be included, too!) with the corresponding number of baby shoes to represent your new additions on the way. 

woman wearing a baby setting the table

Give Your Kid A Promotion

Bringing another child into the world is such an exciting time for their sibling(s) as well. Let them share in the fun and excitement by including them in your pregnancy reveal. Find a “big brother” or “big sister” shirt or have them hold up a sign announcing their promotion to an older sibling! 

Make It A Math Problem

This clever idea might take a few seconds for your family to figure out, depending on their mental math skills. Take a photo of each member of your family in a row, and edit the photo to add plus signs in between.

Then, to the right of everyone, place an equal sign with the appropriate total number of your new family size. To make it easier, you could have siblings dress in “big brother” and “big sister” shirts.

two dogs laying on a bed

Enlist the Help of Your Pets

If you have other children or even pets in your family, enlist them to assist with your pregnancy announcement. For example, buy a dog bandana to announce the new sibling. Or for kids, dress them up in t-shirts that reveal the new baby siblings on their way.

happy couple sitting on the couch

Confused by baby product safety information? We've got a guide for that, too, so you can make safe product decisions for you and your baby

6 Ideas For Your In-Person Baby Announcement

If you are lucky enough to live near your family, make the announcement to them in person so they can share their excitement and celebrate with you. Announcing in person gives you even more opportunities to get creative.

Make it fun and put your own unique spin on it! An in-person announcement can include your immediate family and anyone else in your inner circle.

Play A Game

Does your family have a regular game night? Use it as a fun way to tell your family that you're pregnant. Spell it out during a game of Scrabble, or act it out during Charades. If you are good at drawing, try announcing during a game of Pictionary.

Family Photo Surprise

After a family gathering, ask everyone to get together for a group photo. Prepare to ask for someone like a server or bystander to take a photo (or video!). Instead of “Say cheese!” to get everyone to smile, announce your pregnancy. You’ll be able to catch right away the look of surprise on everyone’s faces, and have it documented to look back on.

pregnant woman on the phone

Invite Them Over For Coffee

If your family loves having coffee or tea together, invite them over and buy a few special coffee mugs for the occasion. You can find some online that hide the announcement at the bottom of the mug.

Whoever finishes their coffee first will be in for an extra surprise!

Say It With a Puzzle

Puzzles are another fun way to announce your pregnancy during a relaxed family hangout. Buy a custom puzzle online to include whatever details (or even photos) you'd like.

Aim for a less challenging puzzle; you don't want them to give up before seeing the message! 

Buy A Banner

If you don't want your family to work too hard to figure out your pregnancy announcement, go with a banner that you can display the next time they come over.

There are plenty of options online and you can even customize them to say whatever you'd like. 

pregnant woman with baby themed cookies

Say It With Sweets

If your family has a sweet tooth, this is a fun and delicious way to tell them you are pregnant. If you enjoy baking, make a cake and write out a message on top. You can do this with almost any dessert.

If you'd rather not bake yourself, no problem! Ask your local bakery what they can come up with.

family looking at an ultrasound

Shopping for maternity items can be stressful and overwhelming. Let us break it down for you with our maternity must-haves for every month

5 Ways to Announce Pregnancy to Long Distance Family

If your family lives far away and you're not able to announce the pregnancy to them in person, we've thought of you, too. When thinking about how to tell family you're pregnant long distance, many of the same ideas apply!

Snail Mail

A handwritten card is a classic way to announce your pregnancy and also a keepsake they can cherish forever. If your parents are going to be grandparents for the first time, find a card that congratulates them on this special promotion.

There are so many clever options out there to choose from. 

pregnant woman sitting on a couch with a toddler

Treat yourself, mama! Check out our list of fun things to do before you're due

Phone Call

The next time you are on a phone call with your family, start mentioning any pregnancy symptoms that you have. Maybe you are extra tired, have intense cravings or aversions to certain foods, or have terrible nausea in the morning.

See how long it takes for your family members to connect the dots!

Send A Package

Gather a few practical baby items that you might need during an in-person visit to your family's home. A few onesies, a bottle, a pacifier, and maybe even a blanket.

Wrap everything up in a nice package to send them with an optional note to 'call before opening on the box' so you can hear their reaction.

woman looking into a cell phone

Family Facetime

If you often FaceTime with your family, show up for the next FaceTime with a 'mom-to-be' shirt or hat. See how long it takes for your family to notice! Have your ultrasound photo or positive pregnancy test ready to show when they find out the exciting news.

Send A Text

If your family prefers texting over phone calls, tell them you're pregnant via text. Send a photo of your ultrasound to the family group text, but be prepared for a swarm of phone calls afterward to congratulate you and share your excitement!

pregnant woman and toddler smiling

How to Announce Pregnancy to Extended Family

So you've told your immediate family and close friends that you're pregnant, but what about your extended family? Extended family can be anyone outside your immediate family, such as cousins, aunts, and uncles.

Telling the extended family you are expecting can look different from one person to the next, depending on your family situation and how close you are.

Host A Family Dinner

Does it happen to be near a holiday like Thanksgiving or Christmas? Use the opportunity to offer to host the family dinner, inviting all of your extended family. You can use any of the above ideas for sharing the news, and your family will appreciate all being together to celebrate you.

Send An Announcement Card

Announcement cards are an effective way for how to tell friends and family you're pregnant without missing anyone. Your card can be text only or you can add a photo.

Use a letterboard to share details and maybe include a baby onesie or baby booties.

woman showing an xray into a laptop

Family Facetime

A group video call or FaceTime is an easy way to tell multiple people at once. This option is great if you have a large extended family and want to deliver the news that you're pregnant all at once.

This is also helpful if you have family members who live far apart.

Let Immediate Family Spread the News

Pregnancy can be exhausting in many ways, so if the thought of having to tell extended family is stress-inducing for you, let your immediate family help!

They will surely be glad to help spread the exciting news and take one thing off your plate.

Send A Text

If your family prefers texting over phone calls, tell them you're pregnant via text. Send a photo of your ultrasound to the family group text, but be prepared for a swarm of phone calls afterward to congratulate you and share your excitement!

Discover Boppy’s Pregnancy Must-Haves

Pregnancy can be overwhelming, especially if it's your first one. When it comes to announcing your pregnancy, remember that there is no right way or right time. Listen to your body and do what feels right for you.

From the most extravagant announcement on this list to the simplest text message, in the end, your friends and family just want to be there for you and share in your joy. Make sure you are prepared with our list of top must-haves for each month of pregnancy, and even more pregnancy resources on our blog!

Boppy is your trustworthy source for all things pregnancy-related. It's no wonder we've been named as a Top 10 Pediatrics Solution Company. From our award-winning products for all nurseries to our resources on safe product usage and our commitment to all mothers and mental health, we are here for you every step of the way.


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